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Hi, I'm Nic & I'm a Designer

I'm originally from the Central Coast of California, but I have lived in Los Angeles for almost 5 years. I am currently pursuing my BFA in Graphic Design and I am scheduled to graduate in May 2015.  Though I am not an Art Education major, I believe knowing how to teach is an important skill for anyone to know. I believe most great leaders are also great teachers, they know how to get the most out of people without putting them down, or making them feel inferior. They are able to motivate those around them, and find not only things that are wrong, but also things that are right.


From my experience, I always found that the best teachers I've had have not only been knowledgeable about their subject, but they were extremely passionate about teaching. One of my most memorable teachers was Mr. Hardcastle, my high school algebra teacher. Being a more right-brained person, math was never one of my favorite subjects, in fact I pretty much hated it. But, Mr. Hardcastle was not like any other teacher, he didn't just show us how to "solve for x," but instead he taught us how to solve problems, he walked us through the process step by step making sure everyone followed along. His lectures were never dull or boring as he frequently made jokes and interacted with the class. Even though I didn't necessarily like the subject he was teaching, I remember being able to see the passion he had for teaching, he wasn't bitter or burnt out, but truly loved teaching.  


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